The Yugoslav commitment to anticolonialism intertwined with its experience of the antifascist liberation struggle and socialist revolution during the Second World War. This entanglement of the past, present and future was most evident during the Algerian War of Independence.
Die jugoslawische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Antikolonialismus war eng mit der Erfahrung des antifaschistischen Befreiungskampfes und der sozialistischen Revolution während des Zweiten Weltkriegs verknüpft. Diese Verflechtung von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft wurde während des Algerienkrieges am deutlichsten.
During the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), socialist Yugoslavia made significant efforts to provide diplomatic, financial, military, humanitarian and propaganda assistance and support to the Front de Libération Nationale(FLN). The solidarity initiatives built upon the Yugoslav experience of the People’s Liberation War: the communist-led resistance against occupation and the parallel revolution during the Second World War that laid the foundations of Yugoslav state socialism. Yugoslav officials, representatives of socio-political organisations and broader society deeply identified with the Algerian people’s struggle and suffering, recognising their own lived experience of war and revolution in Algeria. Solidarity initiatives also built upon the understanding of the Algerian struggle as similar to the Yugoslav. Medical assistance illuminates these commonalities.
The Shared Struggle
The comprehension of the Yugoslav antifascist past and anticolonial liberation wars as similar and embracing of the anticolonial struggle as a shared cause underpinned all Yugoslavia’s initiatives of assistance to liberation movements from Africa. This was particularly evident during the Algerian War, which began only 9 years after the Second World War had ended in Yugoslavia.

Slovenian Partisans in 1943. Copyright: CC BY-SA 4.0
The People’s Liberation War (1941-1945) created “a kind of symbolic resonance and affective affinity” with struggles against colonialism,[1] and played a connecting role between Yugoslavia and Algeria, fostering mutual solidarity, empathy and understanding. There were actual similarities in the respective antifascist and anticolonial liberation movements that facilitated the narratives of the shared struggle. Just like the FLN, the Yugoslav Partisans fought for the liberation of the country, independence and radical transformation of society against a much more powerful enemy with incomparable resources, facing similar challenges and shortages. The stories of heroism, sacrifice and suffering of the FLN and Algerian people that spanned across the Yugoslav public sphere evoked the memory of the Yugoslav collective experience of war and revolution.
The dedication to anti-imperialism and anticolonialism was an integral part of Yugoslavia’s non-aligned positionality in the global Cold War. Identification with anticolonial liberation struggles was also intertwined with the political commitment of the Partisans and revolutionaries who dominated the Yugoslav political, cultural and intellectual life and of leftist and antifascist internationalism more broadly.
Medical Internationalism
One of the important dimensions of Yugoslavia’s support for the Algerian struggle for independence was medical assistance, centring particularly on the wounded and disabled soldiers. Yugoslav institutions and socio-political organisations managed the treatment of FLN soldiers in Yugoslavia, provided training for Algerian medical workers and helped establish long-term structures of public health that would serve independent Algeria.
Medical assistance to the FLN also linked to the Yugoslav past and present. It stems from the wartime organisation of military medicine within the People’s Liberation Movement and the postwar development of disability care and rehabilitation. The Yugoslav Partisans faced the challenge of treating enormous numbers of wounded fighters during the war and disabled veterans in the postwar years, which accelerated the creation of medical service corps, rehabilitation frameworks and training of necessary cadres. The FLN faced challenges and shortages in battlefield medicine, the care of the wounded combatants and forming army sanitation similar to those that the Yugoslav Partisans encountered during and after the Second World War.

ALN soldiers during the Algerian War of Independence, 1958. Photo: Zdravko Pecar, Copyright: Museum of African Art Belgrade, CC BY-SA 4.0
Between 1959 and 1963, almost 300 Algerian fighters spent months in hospitals and rehabilitation centres across Yugoslavia, undergoing surgeries and physiotherapy and receiving necessary custom fitted prosthetic aids. At the same time, Yugoslavia equipped and staffed the Centre for Rehabilitation in Nassen, Tunisia, which treated the Algerian soldiers stationed in the Tunisian countryside. After the war ended in 1962, Yugoslav experts in orthopaedics helped establish the field of disability care in independent Algeria, initially focusing on the combatants and later serving the broader population. Another important factor that shaped Yugoslav medical internationalism is the symbolic figure of a wounded fighter that was central to the war effort and the Yugoslav culture of war remembrance. Providing care for veterans who came out of the war with disabilities was considered a societal duty serving those who had given everything for the freedom of Yugoslav people. Even though Yugoslavia was still developing and professionalising the field of disability care when the war in Algeria broke out, the symbolic relevance of a wounded fighter and the understanding of urgent need for medical care in the conditions of a guerilla war justified the efforts and resources invested in medical assistance to the FLN.
Antifascism and anticolonialism: A connected history
Solidarity with the anticolonial struggles of the second half of the 20th century was always present-based and future-oriented, as it aimed at supporting the liberation movements and decolonisation and involved common imaginaries of the postcolonial futures. In the case of Yugoslavia, anticolonial solidarity was also about the past: antifascism, liberation struggle and revolution, revalued in the decolonisation context.
The Yugoslav-Algerian relations during the War of Independence illuminate entangled histories and political causes of antifascism and anticolonialism that emerged already during the interwar period. The discourses surrounding Yugoslav assistance to the FLN were about the common struggle against colonialism and imperialism, arising from the political and revolutionary lives and ideals of involved Yugoslavs, many of whom had been underground communist activists, Spanish Civil War volunteers and Partisans. It is the political and revolutionary dimension that makes the connected history of Yugoslav antifascism and Algerian anticolonialism more than a discourse or a case of what Michael Rothberg calls multidirectional memory.[2] As Kékesi and Zombori argue, “there is no path from memory to solidarity, except through some sort of political-ideological commitment”.[3]
[1] Paul Stubbs, ‘Introduction: Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Contradictions and Contestations’, in Socialist Yugoslavia and the Non-Aligned Movement: Social, Cultural, Political, and Economic Imaginaries, ed. Paul Stubbs (Montreal, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023), 5.
[2] Michael Rothberg, Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009).
[3] Zoltán Kékesi and Máté Zombory, ‘Beyond Multidirectional Memory: Opening Pathways to Politics and Solidarity’, Memory Studies, 2023, 16,
Dr. Jelena Đureinović is a historian interested in memory politics and memory cultures in the 20th and 21st century. She is a researcher at the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) at the University of Vienna. In June 2024 she was a Leibniz ‘Value of the Past’ Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam.
X: @DureinovicJ
Cover photo: Martyrs Memorial Algiers. Copyright: CC BY-SA 3.0